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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Press Release Lebanon: Asylum Seekers and Refugees

The Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH) published today a report entitled “Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Lebanon: Languishing in Injustice”. This study is part of the “Multimedia Virtual Space for Human Rights” project funded by the European Union. It is carried out by the Italian NGO COSV (Coordination Committee of the Organizations for Voluntary...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Report launch on Migrant Rights in Lebanon

The Institute for Women’s Studies in the Arab World, LAUThe Institute for Migration Studies, LAU and KAFA (Enough) Violence and Exploitation,cordially invite you to the launching of two studies titled:1) Trafficking of Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon:...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Culture of Racism in Lebanon report launch

On the occasion of the “International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination” COSV and Insan Association In the presence of a representative of the EU Delegation to Lebanon have the pleasure to invite you to a press conference To launch the...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Report: A Child Protection Assessment: Migrant Workers and their children in Lebanon

Terre des hommes Foundation Lausanne (TdhL) and Insan Association carried out the following needs assessment of migrant domestic workers and their children in various locations throughout Beirut, Lebanon, between August 2009 and October 2009. The research...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lebanon: Being a Domestic Worker: Sri Lankiete Libanieh

Directed by Wissam Al Saliby, this video was produced as part of the Shankactive video workshop organized by Batoota Films and was filmed with Nokia N8 mobile device.من إخراج وسام الصليبي، هذا الفيديو تم إنتاجه كجزء من ورشة عمل "شانك اكتيف" للفيديو بتنظيم بطوطة فيلمز، وتم تصويره بجهاز نو...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Under the patronage of the Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Ziyad Baroud and funded by the European Union COSV, KAFA, CLDH and PPM are pleased to invite you to the: 2011 HUMAN RIGHTS FILM FESTIVAL Cinema Metropolis Empire Sofil, Beirut January...

Monday, November 29, 2010

IMPOSSIBLE TO REFORM? Obstacles to Improving Lebanon’s Human Rights Record | إستحالة الإصلاح؟ العوائق أمام تحسين سجل لبنان في حقوق الإنسان

Invitation to a Roundtable and Reception IMPOSSIBLE TO REFORM? Obstacles to Improving Lebanon’s Human Rights Record Tuesday November 30, 2010, 16:00 at Monroe Hotel, Ain al-Mraysseh (Beirut, November 18, 2010) – Human Rights Watch is pleased to invite you to a round table on Tuesday November 30 at 16:00 to discuss obstacles to human rights reforms...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Crossposting: عاملات المنازل في لبنان: قصص متكررة تبدأ بأجور زهيدة وتنتهي بمآس

يأتين في الغالب من إثيوبيا ودول آسيوية ويعملن على مدار الساعة بأقل من 200 دولار شهريا تحبس العاملة الإثيوبية في لبنان «عربو»، دموعها وهي تتذكر صديقتها سارة التي قررت العودة إلى بلادها بعد غياب 13 عاما لتأمين مبلغ يكفي لشراء أرض وبناء منزل في قريتها. تقول: «المسكينة لم تحظ طوال إقامتها في لبنان بإجازة، وعندما قررت الراحة، ارتاحت إلى الأبد. مسكينة والدتها...